Thursday, January 31, 2008

...nothing like the Catholic art of a good baciamano!

There are often many actions that are related to the traditional expressions of Catholicism. In the photo above, one notices a good old ecclesiastical baciamano , or a kiss of the hand. While the gesture is Italian in it’s origination…the actions has a loud and clear message as part of its action. Traditionally, the gesture is reserved for prelates of the Catholic Church as a sign of respect and obedience. Over the past couple of decades the action has in the United States been relegated to the status of a quaint pre-Vatican II custom.
The gesture is most appropriate when greeting the Bishop of Rome, as well as any of his representatives. Simply put…baciamano is an exceptional sign of fidelity and obedience to the teaching authority of the Church that is vested in Peter’s successor. As Catholic faithful believers, we are all called to offer genuine prayers and affection to Benedict XVI as the physical embodiment of the authority of the Church.
While the topic doesn’t have anything to do with Catholic Sacred Art…there is a real requirement of artistic development needed to properly complete the baciamo.
In all it is all about the art of proclaiming fidelity to our Catholic heritage and the truths embodied in the Successor of Peter.
Lets bring back the baciamano…it shows the Catholic art of respect and obedience!

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