Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Pope Paul III

It is fitting that in the period of the restoration of the Liturgy of Blessed John XXIII sometimes (in error) called the Tridentine Mass that we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Pope Paul III in 1468.
He is the pope that called the Council of Trent and is largely credited with his inability to effectively deal with the Protestant Reformation as they (the Protestants) like to call it.
Born Alessandro Farnese, Paul III was also related to Pope Boniface VIII.
Paul III also appointed two of his grandsons to the College of Cardinals.
His birthday is February 29,1468.
For lovers of the leap year he would only be a young 135 years old in 2008.
For the Tridentine Traditionalist he would be 540 years young.

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